Well, he is doing it! Finally, Koleton is gaining the confidence to walk... and he is pretty darn good at it now! (Must have been all that practice walking circles around the house lol) We went to Jumping Party today for a playdate and he wanted to walk holding my hand. I finally turned around and started walking backwards and let go of his hand and he would "chase" me trying to get to me :) He was laughing and laughing and laughing too lol I think he was kind of proud of himself for doing it and I'm sure it was fun for him, too ;) Won't be very long now before he is too "big" to even want to hold my hand and I'll be chasing him round and round the house lol
Koleton is so so so funny! He seems to be laughing most of the time now! He LOVES when you make silly faces at him and will just laugh forever! Some of the faces might even be considered "scary" faces, but he loves them just the same haha He also loves being scared... like when I put him in his high chair and go to microwave his dinner, then pop back around the corner with a "boo" he just thinks it is hilarious! His laugh is so contagious too lol I'm laughing sitting here just thinking about it! Brad made a video of Koleton going on and on and the dinner table, once he sends it to me I'll put it on here... he is such a goofy, funny kid!!!
We set up a little play yard for him (technically its a dog pen lol but we weren't going to use it like we had planned, and Walter ate the box so there was no returning it... so now we have a play yard for Kole lol) He plays in there with all of his toys now when I'm trying to get something done, or am eating breakfast. Lately he hasn't been taking his afternoon nap, so he is awake and fussy when I'm trying to make dinner, which makes it rather difficult! Browsing through Netflix we discovered Koleton likes Blue's Clues! I don't know what it is about that goofy guy and his computer animated puppy but it holds Kole's attention! lol So, now when I'm making dinner I put Koleton in his play yard and put Blue's Clues on my PC and he stays in there happy as can be while I make dinner! It is so perfect!
My sweet little baby isn't such a baby anymore :( And he has his moments of non-sweetness now too! I had him in a shopping cart and the belt was riding up under his arms and just didn't look comfy, plus he was trying to take it off which he normally doesn't, so I took it off of him and kept my hand on him so he wouldn't fall out or anything. Well, apparently he didn't want me touching him cause he started swatting my hand away and just being kind of ugly! I told him to knock it off and that he needed to be a good boy and stop being so ugly and he did lol He left my hand alone after that. Today at Jumping Party a couple of the mommies went to touch him (like hold his hand or something) and he started swatting them away too! Mr. Attitude already! lol I have a feeling that since he was (and still is most of the time) soooo good that we are in for it when he hits his "terrible 2s"!!!
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
Monday, June 13, 2011
Round and round and round
I believe last post I had said that Koleton was walking! And yes, he CAN walk, can being the operative word here haha I think he has fallen 1 too many times and knocked his head so now he won't walk unless he is holding my or Brad's hand. He will grab our hand with both of his, then get a good grip with one hand and take off :) His favorite thing to do is to walk.... around the kitchen, the living room, back to the kitchen, to the dining room, in circles all around lol If we are in the back part of the house in his room (which is blocked off with a baby gate to keep the dog out of there) we will just pace the hallway haha Round and round and round lol We went to a splash park here this last week and once he got used to being there we just walked all around :) He likes to push shopping carts too.. that is too cute! We just went grocery shopping yesterday and made the "mistake" of letting him walk around for the last half of the trip lol He didn't want to be held or put in the cart, he wanted to walk! Soon he'll get his confidence back and will be running away from me at the grocery store haha I can just see it now.... ;)
Koleton has also found his voice, and he apparently REALLY likes hearing... and likes hearing it LOUD! lol He gets so silly when he starts to get tired and just about everything is funny to him. The other day he was so tired and he was sitting in his high chair while I made him some food. He just started screaming lol Not like anything was wrong, but just screaming for fun lol I came around the corner and he just started cracking up, like I had scared him and it was funny :) So I went back and popped out again, kinda screaming back at him and he would laugh and scream lol It was a pretty fun little game for a while til hunger took over lol He will just start talking at random times too. Almost like he is joining in the conversation :) Lately he will start out just talking and then his voice will get louder then go back to normal. I think it is too cute how he is experimenting with his voice like that...not sure everyone else does though when we are out in public! ha!
He recently started clapping too! He looks at his hands like he is trying to figure out exactly what he is doing while he does it, but it is so cute! When we play "how big is Koleton?" when "Soooo big" comes, instead of putting his arms out or way above his head, he just puts them on his head lol Kind of by his ears but toward the back of his head haha It is so funny :)
Baby food may be very quickly becoming a thing of the past. He is not fond of being fed anymore! He wants to feed himself! Luckily they have little ravioli's now that are stuffed with all kinds of good for him stuff :) In case what we have for dinner isn't baby friendly ;) Our menu may be soon changing though! Almost 1 year old and he is eating mostly "real" food, about to start drinking "real" milk, and ditching the bottle! Where does the time go?!
This is a walking attempt BEFORE he decided against doing it on his own for now lol
He recently started clapping too! He looks at his hands like he is trying to figure out exactly what he is doing while he does it, but it is so cute! When we play "how big is Koleton?" when "Soooo big" comes, instead of putting his arms out or way above his head, he just puts them on his head lol Kind of by his ears but toward the back of his head haha It is so funny :)
Baby food may be very quickly becoming a thing of the past. He is not fond of being fed anymore! He wants to feed himself! Luckily they have little ravioli's now that are stuffed with all kinds of good for him stuff :) In case what we have for dinner isn't baby friendly ;) Our menu may be soon changing though! Almost 1 year old and he is eating mostly "real" food, about to start drinking "real" milk, and ditching the bottle! Where does the time go?!
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