Well apparently my boy LOVES cars :) Give him a car and he will start racing it around the ground saying "vrooooom vrooooom" (in baby speak of course!) It is the cutest thing! I think we may have found the "theme" for his first birthday :) Here's a video of him playing with his car at the library, and then he takes off on an escape mission!
Koleton also has become quite the little funny man! I previously posted how we all had gotten sick and thankfully, for the most part, we are all better now! However... I had this terrible cough and it's still lingering a little. Well, Koleton also has a "cough" lol He fake coughs right along with me and laughs about it! I tell him "It's not funny I have a cough! Why are you laughing?!" in a joking voice of course, and he thinks its hilarious! We'll be riding around in the car and he'll be in the back "coughing" and laughing haha He's such a goober :P
So, we all know Koleton is a BIG eater! He loves his food! He would rather feed himself his "big boy" food than have me feed him. Dinner is almost impossible unless he has some finger foods he can eat. I'm very grateful he isn't a picky eater! I wanted him to love (ok at least like) vegetables and he does! We ordered our first Bountiful Basket (which was amazing btw!) and it had little baby cucumbers in it.... I sliced them up for Koleton and I and he ate a whole slice by himself! I was even worried a little because that last little bit was in his mouth and it was of a choking size... so I tried to fish it out, but he wasn't having it! My finger would touch his lips and they would lock and his head would turn! He would not give it up! lol
He also has been "sharing" his food lately which is absolutely adorable :D He'll take a bite of his cheeto (yes, he takes bites of them now unless he is shoveling them into his mouth lol) and then give me a "bite" :) He loves it! He smiles when I take my "bite" and then shoves the rest of it in his mouth haha He is so funny! I can't imagine loving him any more!
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