Saturday, February 5, 2011

Lil stinker!

So tonight we had another Mommy's Night Out :) We went to dinner at a mexican restaurant out here and it was pretty good! Only two other moms came, which was a little disappointing, but heck we had a good time! Brad was left to his devices with Mr. Koleton... which is fine, I knew nothing bad would happen :)  Apparently this time was a little easier than the last, although Koleton wouldn't stay asleep. When I got home, they were in the chair rocking but weren't asleep.  Well, Koleton does this thing now where if you ask him something (or I'm not actually sure what gets him to do this but it is cute) he buries his head in your shoulder laughing and starts pushing his feet like he is trying to crawl up your chest.  So we are trying to teach him to put his arms out when he wants to go to someone. I was holding him while Brad made his bottle, then just to see, I told him to "go see Daddy" which he leaned towards him and kind of lifted his arms. It was so cute.... until I said "ok come to Mommy" and the little stinker turned towards Brad, buried his face in his shoulder and started laughing! He wouldn't come to me! He was just laughing and playing and no matter what he would not put his arms out for me! I swore I wasn't ever going out again! (but really I will lol) It was cute though :) Apparently he really likes that game! lol

So Amanda and I are looking to start going to the YMCA out here to start working out. Well we went to go on a tour and they said we couldn't take our kids with us into the locker rooms for the tour, so we had to leave them in the nursery. This would be fine except in 7 months I have only left Koleton with Brad! Well we went and checked out the nursery and it was ok... the girl in there seemed friendly and nice, they had a baby section blocked off with walkers and exersaucers etc. Well Koleton will sit in his exersaucer for a while at home, so I put him in it to see what he would do. He started playing a little, then, since he was content, I left the baby area. No crying still! So we told the girl we were gonna go on our tour... we snuck out and were in the lobby waiting, still we didn't hear any crying! I was thrilled! Maybe this whole leaving him in the nursery won't be that horribly traumatic for either of us! So on the tour we went. Was a nice place... we are probably going to sign up next week! We get back to the lobby area and there is Koleton... crying his little heart out :( Well, he was to the point where he would cry then stop, then cry, then stop lol I went to go get him and she said he was ok for like a minute when he realized I was gone and he started crying :( She held him while we were gone, and when I leave him there it won't be for very long. But as long as they are ok with him crying until he gets used to it, I know it is good for him to be there and used to other people watching him! Plus I'm hoping he will be a little more used to the idea of other people holding him so our AZ trip isn't horrible and he can get to know his family out there! I still broke my heart though... poor kid :(

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