Sunday, February 27, 2011

Little Drummer Boy

So all that arm swinging I was worried about with Koleton when he was a little younger? Apparently, the kid has rhythm! haha Whenever I put him in his high chair he just starts "drumming" on it! With both hands now :) He is our little drummer boy lol I tried to make a video but one a camera is on him he kind of freezes! I even had tried being sneaky and setting the camera on the table and hitting record when he wasn't looking... but he saw that red light and just gets mesmerized.  He is so funny!

We went over to Amanda's house last night to watch Zoee so she and Mike could go out. We had fun! Zoee was so sweet with Koleton! She took his paci out of his mouth and would bend over to give him kisses... but he was looking down and she was standing and bending over so she couldn't figure out how to get to his lips! haha It was cute! Then she would take her baby doll's bottle and take his paci out again and give him the bottle.  Koleton would open his mouth for the bottle, then make a "gross, what is this?" face haha She'd pretend to give him his paci back, then give him the bottle again lol They'd go back and forth a few times before he'd start fussing like "ok already! Give me something!" :)

I put him in her little car they use their feet to move around in and Zoee climbed in right next to him :) She squished in there and was hanging out a little... It was way past Koleton's bedtime so he was already fussy.  I tried to take a picture but I had to get my phone out of my pocket, unlock it, turn the camera on, and wait for it to turn on... as soon as it was ready he started crying :( Too bad cause it would have been so cute! I'm sure they will do it again! :)

Koleton is still not a full time crawler... however he is getting around faster with his little scooting he does :)  I have a feeling it won't be long after he actually starts crawling that he'll be standing and then walking! He loves to be standing and though he isn't pulling himself up yet on anything besides holding our fingers, he can stand there for a while just leaned up against my legs or holding my fingers.  He loves it! He doesn't quite have the balance yet... but I'm sure it has something to do with that huge brain he has ;) haha

Koleton does this thing now where he will be sitting right in front of me facing away and he will twist his whole body around with his arms up like he wants to hug me or cuddle :) It is so sweet! Except as soon as Brad or I pick him up from him doing that, he starts to push away from us lol He just wants to be on the go so badly! He is always trying to get out of our arms and to something! Lord help me once he figures out how to go!!!

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