Monday, January 31, 2011
Finger Painting!
Busy Weekend!
Wow we have been busy! Friday Koleton and I went out with Amanda and Zoee to a lunch playdate with a couple other moms from our mommy group. Koleton had his first french fry! That kid loves food! lol He would suck on it until it broke off in his mouth and then I would take it out so he didn't choke. He's missing a few teeth necessary to chew his food up ;) We went around Midland driving around, shopping, running errands, etc. It was a good day! Both of the kids were good until the end of the day when they just had enough! We stopped at a party store and the kids HAD to try on a couple "hats" they had.... ;)
Thursday, January 27, 2011
OH YEAH?!?!?!??!
Today, after his 6:30AM bottle I put him back in his crib, awake, and he fell back asleep. Just now, I laid him in his crib, awake again, and he pretty much rolled over and went to sleep! Going to try giving him his bottle before his bath tonight, then say goodnights, maybe add a book to the routine, then just lay him in his bed. He may go to sleep on his own during the day, but he will not have it at bedtime! It is so sad seeing him be so independent and not needing me to rock him to sleep, but on the other hand I want him to be able to put himself to sleep, so it is a good thing. Happy and sad at the same time!
Taxes were filed yesterday so fingers crossed we get the money as soon as they say! I want to make sure we have it so we can start planning our trip to AZ to visit everyone! I'm trying to get Koleton out more so he isn't so shy around people when he first meets them. Of course, he will be almost 9 months old and at his "stranger danger" phase :( I'm hoping to break that though! He is already showing signs of it. He doesn't quite understand that when you cover something up with a towel (for example) it doesn't disappear. Same thing for when Mommy or Daddy leave the room. If we aren't in sight, we must be gone. I'm hoping he figures this out before we head out there! I hope everyone gets to meet the happy, sweet, funny, cheerful boy we have! I'm sure it will all work out... he can't help but be all of those things! :)
Sunday, January 23, 2011
Mommy's Night Out!
I think it was a great thing for me to get out and have some "me" time! And it was good for Daddy and son to have some "them" time and bond some more. Koleton LOVES his daddy though! Hopefully I will get to go out to these Mommy Night Out's every month. Hopefully Brad will get the hang of putting Koleton to bed so it will much less stressful for everyone. Next step - getting Koleton used to someone else period so Brad and I can go out on dates again! Eventually it will all fall into place :)
Friday, January 21, 2011
We took out the part of his bathtub that keeps him from sliding down last night! He is such a big boy, he can sit up by himself so he doesn't need it! Technically we could have done that a little bit ago lol But we are trying to not be in a super big hurry for him to grow up!
Another thing...I know how bad it is for him to fall asleep with a bottle. And it was never my intention for him to start doing so! It all started with him just falling asleep while he was eating, and at that point I was just grateful he was asleep I didn't argue! Well, it has progressed to where he won't go to sleep without a bottle (for the most part!) So I was talking to my mom and she suggested we find a stuffed animal or something and to start putting him to bed with that, so he will associate that with sleeping and eventually won't need the bottle anymore. So yesterday we were at Walmart and I figured I'd look and see if there was anything small and soft enough for him to take to bed with him. I showed him a teddy bear and he turned away from it...I took that as a no lol There was another one, it is an elephant head with arms holding a blanket. I showed him that and he reached up for it! So that is now his bedtime buddy :) He was holding it with one hand and rubbing its head with his other hand last night! It was so sweet :) It's not yet associated with bedtime, but hopefully soon!
Speaking of bedtime...Koleton generally wakes up around the time Brad gets up and ready for work in the morning (430am) and has an early morning bottle and goes back to sleep. Well lately he hasn't been falling back asleep. He just pops his head up and wants to look around, especially if Brad is up and moving around. So after his bottle I put him in his bed awake, say goodnight, I love you, etc and leave him in there. I sit and wait for him to start crying but he doesn't! He has fallen asleep the past 3 mornings on his own! I don't know what the difference is between morning and night, but its a step in the right direction I think! lol I don't mind cuddling and rocking him to sleep though still. He still has a long time to be grown up and I'm savoring every moment of his baby-hood!
Sunday, January 16, 2011
Sick :(
I have heard of nurse hotlines. So I searched and found the Medicaid hotline. Brad called them and basically the nurse said if he gets a fever to take him to the ER, or if he starts acting really out of it. She said to give him 1oz of formula, wait 10 minutes. If he keeps it down, give him another ounce and keep doing that til he gets the normal amount of formula. If he can't keep it down, start giving him Pedialyte. Well Brad went to the store to get Pedialyte and I gave Koleton his bedtime bath and made him a 1oz bottle. He was trying to get at that bottle as soon as it was in my hands! He ate the ounce and fell asleep. He slept for over an hour, and when I went in to check on him he was laying there on his back staring at me. It was kind of weird, but I think I just caught him in a half awake, about to roll over state. I got him, checked his temp and it was 96 under his arm, so no fever still. But he was dry heaving when I picked him up and was walking him out to the living room :( I made him another 1 oz bottle and he drank it and fell asleep again. While I was still holding him he started making the throw up motions with his body so I kind of moved him and it looked like he had just swallowed it again (gross I know, but he's a baby and does it all the time lol)
Brad pulled out his pack'n'play to the living room and I am going to sleep out here with him. I just checked him and no fever still. Hopefully it was just something he ate, but I dont know what he would have eaten that would upset his stomach since he has eaten everything he had today before! Nothing was old or left out open. I am going to make him an appointment with his doctor tomorrow just to make sure everything is ok. Hopefully he is!!! Gonna keep an eye on him til I can get him in though!
Plan B lol We headed to Sears to get his 6 month pictures done instead :) We were a little hesitant to go back since his 3 month pictures did not turn out that great. We took him for a free Christmas picture though and they were AMAZING! I would have paid for those pictures! (we just took the free collage though lol) Well his 6 month pictures did not disappoint! We asked for the same guy who took his Christmas pictures, and he was there and took Koleton's pictures again. Koleton was being stubborn at first, but as soon as I started belting out "Itsy Bitsy Spider" he was all smiles and laughs! lol The guy who took his pictures, Jeff, called the other photographer over to admire Koletons pictures! Then he called me in and told me how BEAUTIFUL Koleton's eyes were - "I mean WOW, he has BEAUTIFUL eyes!".
Of course I had my coupons (got a free collage and 30% off!) But we still managed to spend a pretty penny lol I couldn't be happier with how they turned out though! Even the "throw away" pictures were good! I had him restore one of them and ordered prints of it! It is one of my favorites actually! lol
Thursday, January 13, 2011
Busy busy!
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
Teeth and cuteness!
6 month appointment!
Sunday, January 9, 2011
6 months already!
Wow! Can you believe it has been 6 months already!?!?!? It is the weirdest thing... It seems like Koleton has been here forever yet just yesterday he was just born! lol We had a busy day again for his half-birthday ;) We were out apartment hunting. While it has been a HUGE blessing to be where we are now... this house is not our "forever" home and the neighborhood is not one we really want to raise our kids in. We are looking in the Midland, the next town over because 1. its nicer (like living in Mesa vs. Apache Junction lol) and 2. it is closer to Brad's work. Let me tell you though... the Permian Basin is REALLY proud of their apartments! lol They are so expensive for what they actually are! $900 for a 2 bedroom that would probably cost $750 back home! Nothing fancy at all! We found one that we both LOVE and it was more reasonably priced...however, I came home and checked the reviews online. Only an 18% recommendation rate :( From numerous reviewers. They all seemed to say the same takes forever to get anything repaired and the staff are horribly rude. Oh and they move in to dirty, nasty apartments with patched walls, hair on the cabinets, sinks that are clogged etc, then when they move out, they get charged all kinds of unreasonable fees and lose all their deposits. So it is kind of back to square one lol We just want a nice place that isn't going to cost a ridiculous amount that we would be comfortable living in, especially with Mr. Koleton!
Today we just stayed in and cleaned house! It is so hard to clean with a 6 month old who is not about naps anymore and wants constant attention! Yes, my son is spoiled lol He doesn't get picked up RIGHT away if he is fussing but he does eventually get held lol Everyone keeps telling me to cherish him wanting to be held because eventually they grow out of it, so I'm not complaining! In the next couple of months though we are going to have to work on "sleep training". He has to have a bottle (horrible habit, I know!) and be rocked to go to sleep. We have tried letting him cry it out, but he has gone 10 minutes without giving in one little bit. He just gets more and more upset to the point where he cannot calm down. I just figure he is too young still, but eventually he will get it :) At least now he sleeps exclusively in his bed, so I can't complain too much! Rocking him to sleep doesn't bother me, especially since he does sleep all through the night now! Plus it gives us some more cuddle time :)
I'm gonna have to start putting up pictures on this blog too... just have to take some new ones!
Friday, January 7, 2011
What a fun day!
We got there a little early, so I put Koleton in the swing and pushed him for a bit. I noticed his head was starting to fall (he had his sunglasses on so I couldn't see his eyes). I made sure to keep him swinging and not 5 minutes into swinging he was out! lol A few mommies showed up and it was great to meet them! We had fun. Once Koleton woke up he was just so happy and good :D One of the moms has a 2 yr old little boy and he came up to us, his mom told him to "be careful of the baby" and he walked up and gave Koleton a hug! It was so sweet! Koleton was all smiles after that :) We got home just before Brad, then we went back out to get Brad his prescription. Koleton fell asleep in the car on the way home and went to bed half an hour earlier than normal! He had a busy day afterall! lol
It was a super fun day. It was nice to get out of the house! Koleton loves being outside so hopefully they have more playdates etc for us to go to! Regardless, I'm gonna start taking him out more anyway. It seems to tire him out more and make him so happy :) And that is what is important!
Wednesday, January 5, 2011
A day in the life... :P
Koleton is our little music baby. His new favorite song is "the itsy bitsy spider". He'll be sitting in his little high chair, supposed to be eating, but he is leaned over trying to grab the straps that attach it to the chair. I'll start singing the itsy bitsy spider and he pops up and starts smiling from ear to ear! And opens his mouth for his next bite :P He was fussing in the back of the car on our way to the park so I turned the radio down and busted out itsy bitsy spider and he stopped :) Just sat there and listened :) He loves classical music too... he has a baby einstein toy that plays classical music when you push the button. As soon as that thing turns on he just stops fussing. As soon as he is old enough we want to put him in piano lessons and then guitar lessons when he gets a little older. We dont want to force him to do anything (like we aren't trying to live vicariously through him) but we are going to make him give everything he tries a fair chance before he quits. But with how much he seems to love music now, I dont think he will have a problem with either of those :)
Well I suppose that is enough for today ;) He is going to be up from his nap any minute now I'm sure! OH and I need to try to get those videos up on youtube before he wakes up! :)
Monday, January 3, 2011
One night I was changing his diaper and it sounded like he was growling at me! Kinda like he was clearing his throat growling but I still thought, what the heck is he doing?!?! So I told Brad and apparently he had been making that noise at Kole while he was getting him ready for bed lol Now he just smiles so big and laughs when you "growl" at him and show your teeth... such a goofy kid lol
OH! I almost forgot! We went out to eat at Fuddruckers the other day. Koleton was chowing on his teething biscuits but they got old after a while and he was getting a little fussy (it was nap and bottle time). I found this little contraption that you put real food in (it kinda looks like a big pacifier, but has mesh netting to hold the food and hard plastic handle that closes it). Being the cruel mother I am, I let him taste a dill pickle... Brad and I watched, waiting for the pucker "omg so sour!" never came! He grabbed my hand and pulled it back to his mouth and started sucking on the pickle slice! We put 2 pickle chips into his little food contraption and he just sucked and chewed on that til we left! It was so funny!
About to put some more pictures up on facebook (just a few) and maybe a couple videos on youtube... if you dont have it, the youtube address is
We sure love our little goofy boy!!! He is really such a good little boy :)
Saturday, January 1, 2011
Happy New Year!
We got him all kinds of stuff at Toys 'R Us! He got the foam ABC and number floor mat that is like a puzzle, so now we can get his toys out of the living room and put them and play with them in his bedroom :) He got a Baby Einstein "Baby Mozart" DVD and CD, an "interactive" puppy that sings and teaches hands, feet, ear, etc., a couple long sleeve onsies (which he needed), a teething toy and some teething biscuits! So much stuff... and he has played with it all already :)
He was fast asleep to bring in the new year but we got a picture of him anyway lol
Hoping this year brings us much joy and happiness as this last year has! 2010 will always be a special year for us and I know we have many more good times in our future! We wish you all the best in 2011!!!