Wednesday, January 5, 2011

A day in the life... :P

So Koleton and I went shopping today at Walmart (I know... Kmart people don't hate me! The closest Kmart is over an hour away :( ) I got me the Zuumba dance fitness game for Wii... gotta try to lose some weight, shall we call it "baby weight"? I can get away with that still, right? lol He is so good now riding in his stroller...chewing on the safety straps (his favorite thing to chew on - over his toys even!) After we got some new bibs and a few other things, we headed to the park.  They have baby swings that are like little chairs (I'll put a video on youtube up if I remember!) and he rode in that for a bit, went down the slide, then we headed home.  BUT on the way home is our Goodwill lol Since Kole had just finished a bottle and was in a good mood, I figured why not stop in and see what they have.  Well, I got him 12 new books (some look BRAND new) and a Barney sing-a-long DVD for $3.22!!!! Gotta love finding a good deal at the ONLY Goodwill in town! lol

Koleton is our little music baby.  His new favorite song is "the itsy bitsy spider".  He'll be sitting in his little high chair, supposed to be eating, but he is leaned over trying to grab the straps that attach it to the chair.  I'll start singing the itsy bitsy spider and he pops up and starts smiling from ear to ear! And opens his mouth for his next bite :P  He was fussing in the back of the car on our way to the park so I turned the radio down and busted out itsy bitsy spider and he stopped :)  Just sat there and listened :)  He loves classical music too... he has a baby einstein toy that plays classical music when you push the button.  As soon as that thing turns on he just stops fussing.  As soon as he is old enough we want to put him in piano lessons and then guitar lessons when he gets a little older.  We dont want to force him to do anything (like we aren't trying to live vicariously through him) but we are going to make him give everything he tries a fair chance before he quits.  But with how much he seems to love music now, I dont think he will have a problem with either of those :)

Well I suppose that is enough for today ;)  He is going to be up from his nap any minute now I'm sure!  OH and I need to try to get those videos up on youtube before he wakes up! :)

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