Friday, January 21, 2011


So the stomach bug we had going around here was just for 24 hours, thank goodness! I think, though, Koleton is still somewhat fighting it :( He hasn't been eating his normal amount of food and has had diarrhea (TMI I know lol) since he was sick.  So yesterday he started his BRAT diet. Basically he is just having cereal, apples, and bananas. Of course I probably didn't help the poor guy by giving him pear juice (it was what I had open)! He's had pedialyte too but with him not eating as much I've been trying to give him formula instead so he gets nutrients too.  He is still his happy little self though!

We took out the part of his bathtub that keeps him from sliding down last night! He is such a big boy, he can sit up by himself so he doesn't need it! Technically we could have done that a little bit ago lol But we are trying to not be in a super big hurry for him to grow up!

Another thing...I know how bad it is for him to fall asleep with a bottle.  And it was never my intention for him to start doing so! It all started with him just falling asleep while he was eating, and at that point I was just grateful he was asleep I didn't argue! Well, it has progressed to where he won't go to sleep without a bottle (for the most part!) So I was talking to my mom and she suggested we find a stuffed animal or something and to start putting him to bed with that, so he will associate that with sleeping and eventually won't need the bottle anymore.  So yesterday we were at Walmart and I figured I'd look and see if there was anything small and soft enough for him to take to bed with him.  I showed him a teddy bear and he turned away from it...I took that as a no lol There was another one, it is an elephant head with arms holding a blanket. I showed him that and he reached up for it! So that is now his bedtime buddy :) He was holding it with one hand and rubbing its head with his other hand last night! It was so sweet :)  It's not yet associated with bedtime, but hopefully soon!

Speaking of bedtime...Koleton generally wakes up around the time Brad gets up and ready for work in the morning (430am) and has an early morning bottle and goes back to sleep.  Well lately he hasn't been falling back asleep.  He just pops his head up and wants to look around, especially if Brad is up and moving around.  So after his bottle I put him in his bed awake, say goodnight, I love you, etc and leave him in there.  I sit and wait for him to start crying but he doesn't! He has fallen asleep the past 3 mornings on his own! I don't know what the difference is between morning and night, but its a step in the right direction I think! lol I don't mind cuddling and rocking him to sleep though still. He still has a long time to be grown up and I'm savoring every moment of his baby-hood!


  1. You might try giving him water in his bottle if he insists on having one to go to sleep with. That way, it won't damage his oh-so-new teeth that are coming in. If he doesn't go for the water, you can "cut" whatever he does want with water, and increase the water to liquid ratio until eventually it's just water. Good for him to drink water, and better than juice or milk/formula to go to bed with.
    Damien loved to drink water as he got older, which is a very good thing. They still do drink plenty of water, along with milk and juice drinks, but it's something to get them used to doing as they grow.
    Hope the stuffed toy works, though. It's so cute to know he's ok with being put in his bed and doesn't have to be rocked to sleep every time. It's also wonderful that you're savoring all the moments of his baby-hood. It does go by fast. But there are milestones and joy every step of the way.

    P.S. So glad the bug was short-lived. Wonder if Koleton's diarrhea might be linked to his teething, and not necessarily just that bug. At any rate, I hope everyone is back to 100% very soon.

  2. I have tried water for that very reason but it was a no go! lol I think he may be getting out of that stage, I hope so anyway! I already dilute his juice down 50/50 so maybe I'll have to try that instead of formula. With him being sick this week he has become a Paci baby :( He was never into them unless he was going to sleep... now he can have one for hours on end! I think that may help with the bottle too. Thanks for the comments!
