Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Rummage Sale-ing

I LOVE thrift shopping and finding bargains any way/where I can! I go to Goodwill and Dollar Tree all the time. A small town out here was having a rummage sale to benefit their volunteer fire department, so I drug Koleton out there to go "shopping". We met Brad's parents there since they lived literally up the road from the sale. I found some good stuff for crafting, and then I let Koleton run around outside for a bit with his grandparents.  They played, he went on the swing by himself, then I swung with him and he started falling asleep. It was a good day!
 Just running around :)
 "Playing" with his shadow
 Trying to get around Grandma lol
 Talking with Grandpa
Swinging away with his oatmeal cookie!

He had a good time (and looked so cute if I do say so myself lol)  We went to Goodwill the other day and while we were walking around he spotted a keyboard and he HAD to have it! He pointed and whined and pointed and grunted lol I gave it to him and turned it on and it had working batteries! We walked through Goodwill listening to some pre-recorded songs accompanied by Mr. Koleton himself! Honestly, if people minded, I didn't care lol My boy was happy and having fun!  He even played with it the whole way home.

Look at that face!! That is the face of one happy little boy! And yes, I realize the keyboard is pink... but he doesn't yet know that pink is "for"girls and blue is "for" boys.  We are trying not to gender-ize things too much for him yet.  The girls I was watching left a doll stroller over here... and it is one of his favorite things to push around! Brad is wanting to make him a kitchen out of an old entertainment center (assuming we can find one that will work!). We are really trying to not get caught up in little things like "girls'" or "boys'" yet, so long as he is happy and healthy, we are happy!

Dinner Out

We generally try to go out on family dates on Saturdays. It usually ends up being a late lunch/early dinner deal, which is nice since we beat the crowds.  This last Saturday was no different! We went to Golden Corral "early" for dinner, or so we thought! It was pretty busy when we got there. Normally I send Brad to get some food for himself and Koleton. Well, he came back without Koleton's most FAVORITE food... mashed potatoes!!! They were out! Blasphemy! He did manage to scrounge up some other food the kid will eat (I mean, he really isn't TOO picky lol).  Eventually, they whipped up some potatoes and Koleton ate a bowl and a half of them!!! The only thing he possibly loves more than "Crushed Idaho's" as we have to call them around here as "code" would be broccoli! Grilled chicken (a la George Foreman), broccoli, and mashed potatoes would have to be his most favorite meal to date :)

At the Golden Corral here they have a chocolate fountain now! I went and got some marshmallows, pineapple, and strawberries and covered them in chocolate, YUM! Of course Koleton wanted in on the chocolate goods, so I gave him a marshmallow on a skewer and he went to town!

Brad started freaking out because Koleton was such a mess while eating. I told him "Let him! When else in his life will he get to eat like this and make such a mess without people staring?" lol I figure, he will clean up and if he is happy and not hurting himself or anyone else... why not?!

P.S. He dropped the marshmallow on the floor... he just indulged in the chocolate ;)

Wordless Wednesday